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For this project, I had to find 6 objects that wrote out my name. It honestly didn't take too long to find the 6 objects, but I struggled with finding an "O" and an "A". On Saturday, I was sitting at home and I was eating a piece of ice cream cake and it looked like a triangle so I thought if I flipped it around and cropped it, I could make it look like an "A".  For the "O", I found it very last minute and I used my friend Abby's camera, on her phone, as my "O". In my opinion, I believe the weakest part of this photo is my "O" because there are other parts that are showing that kind of draw attention from the letter I was trying to showcase. I decided to use the principle contrast to separate the pink and the black and white for my photos so that the attention is drawn to the shapes instead of the viewer getting distracted by all of the colors. 

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